抗紫外线聚乙烯铺路板 抗紫外线路基板 抗冲击路基板
Paving board is a kind of high-density polyethylene board used in short-term and long-term project construction sites, which is used to solve the influence of severe environment such as road surface and weather, and ensure the construction progress and safety.
Emerging paving slabs are corrosion-resistant, impact-resistant, UV-resistant, and have certain toughness and elasticity. They are bent and made of continuous materials, and will not crack or delaminate, thus protecting the environment and not polluting the air. Most importantly, they can be reused. It shows that anti-skid lines can reduce sideslip, paving slabs can ensure the safety of the whole project construction, and can quickly build temporary passages to provide a safe and firm construction temporary pavement.
1. 韧性好,是一种宁弯不断的材质;
2. 耐磨损,耐磨损性能强,高于一般的工程塑料;
3. 重量较轻,仅为同等规格钢铁重量的1/7,安装拆卸非常方便,运输费用成本低;
4. 面积灵活,可根据场地大小需求无缝拼接,还可以与现场其他使用物连接;
4. 缓冲好,变形可回弹,四角可进行拼接固定,安全牢固,对人车都有一定保护作用。
5. 防滑效果好,可依据需求选择花纹样式,单面双面大小防滑纹,防止轮胎滑动车辆下沉;
6. 绿色环保,无害无味纯净,可循环再使用;
7. 抗化学腐蚀,化学性能稳定,能耐大多数酸碱盐的腐蚀;